"I write to discover
what I know."
Flannery O’Connor
Courage Is A Journey of Triumph
Learn how to develop courage through small daily actions and how it can benefit both individuals and society. Unlock your potential with these simple tips.
Breaking Free: Exploring Emancipation.
In this blog, the journey of emancipation of four generations of women in one family is explored.
What is the historical significance of emancipation and the contemporary relevance in the quest for social progress and justice? Join me in exploring the meaning of emancipation and the future of liberty.
No Matter What The Question Is: Love Is Always The Answer.
Love has the ability to transcend differences and break down barriers. Love will even inspire acts of kindness, generosity and selflessness.
So… love can transform our lives and the world around us.
Understanding Artificial Intelligence: Exploring the Power and Potential.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of computer systems to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, transforming industries by automating tasks and improving decision-making.
However, the growth of AI raises important ethical and societal questions, highlighting the need for responsible development and use.
Social issues have society in a chokehold.
Social issues have been known throughout mankind. But with the current state of affairs, people tend to be numb to others. In this blog I am calling on all problem solving humans to unite!
Respect is a two-way street.
Talking about the controversy during the Qatar World Cup 2022, where people demand respect without reciprocating. This seems to be happening all over the world nowadays. How can we start respecting each other more?
How perfection is killing your decisiveness.
Have you ever wondered why you felt stuck when you had to make a decision?
Did you ever get answers? And do you even have a solution? I found something helpful.
The value of a social media ‘like’ is highly underrated.
To like or not to like… That is the question.
In this blog I share how one single ‘like’ can help your friends become more successful.
The Art of Benevolence
Benevolence is an art form in which we can make the world a more beautiful place for ourselves.
The secrets to happily ever after.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could live happily ever after…
What does it take to maintain the love we feel towards each other. How can we build strong and healthy relationships? I find out after celebrating the 40th wedding anniversary of my parents.
Why should writing be your next big thing?
By becoming better at writing, we are able to become better at articulating our wants and needs in life.
Be yourself without limitations.
What does it mean to live life without limitations? Can it be achieved? Can we say that’s winning?
Five Years after my First Episode. What Now?
What happened in the five years after my first episode. How did I cope with all the medical stress and what led to balance in life.
Why employee wellbeing matters for your company.
We celebrated Employee Appreciation Day this month, but have you ever thought about how much more we can do for the wellbeing of our people?
Going Back to School in my 30’s
A brief insight on education and how it can elevate a society. How did my outlook change from teenage years to going back to school as an adult. My first month was a bit rocky and a great moment to recalibrate.
De realiteit van het (over)leven in de bijstand. (also in English)
Ik neem je mee in mijn leven in de bijstand. Hoe ik er terecht ben gekomen, wat ik heb gedaan om eruit te komen en wat ik heb meegemaakt. Van ongemak naar comfort!
Why should you care?
Should we care about helping others? Here is how I decided to do something around Christmas time. Rounding up others to make a difference in the lives of kids in Suriname.
“Contrast of life”
Life is full of highs and lows, I explore this contrast of life and what we can learn out of these events by looking at legends and their lives.
Snowflakes are dangerous.
In response to the trans community attacking Netflix, Dave Chappelle & Daphne Dorman I blog about snowflakes, triggered people who feel entitled and how I think we can come together again as one human race, stronger… coexisting respectfully.
Blindelings Naïef of Bewust Onethisch (also in English)
Wist u dat bv. de McPlant & Veggie Whopper niet volledig vegetarisch zijn? Door de bereiding op dezelfde plaat als de vlees varianten is het mogelijk dat kruisbesmetting plaatsvindt.
Dit is onethisch, vega hoort vega te zijn!